Welcome to Our Nightmares

Aparitions, Angels, Aliens and the Afterlife are as commonplace in human reality as a cool summer breeze or a rush of freshly cut English Roses infiltrating flared nostrils on a jog through the park.

Mainstream establishment is bent on the defense of an overt and predetermined substrate incessantly spoon fed to subjects of their corporate kingdoms until wevolve into happy little consumer serfs for lifetimes and generations - while ultimately it ensures the complete domination, intimidation and passive agressive control of makind's mind, crushing individualism.

The goal of which is to relentlessly assault, without mercy or conscience, to gain autonomy over the five senses sure, the emotions that drive and govern the impulse to survive. Replace that by selling the false security and lack of serenity offered by capitolism, to the extreme craziness of anti-consumerism as a religion, and it suddenly becomes irrelevent.

Ah, yes, the tactics and tools are advertising. Even Communists are employing what, if you think of it, they originiated. Afterall, propaganda - advertising, not much difference. The trick is in believing you are free. Believing you are you and I am me and he is him and she is she...

Advertising rebukes the will to resist insipid displays for products and services. Over time, from cradle to grave, with careful precision and determination of a brook become stream become raging river that meticulously erodes bedrock and reveals a cavernous emptiness of what was and is no more - if it ever were at all.

We neither need nor desire until we are told, encouraged to snap to and carry out the hopeless and meaningless pursuit of things - instead of kindness to one another without rating and judging but with acceptance and respect. There is another world within and without ourselves as concrete as body, as real as mind, and as powerful as the human spirit. The spirit that drives men to be free, to dream big, to aspire to a life that is more than time spent. Like Elvis said "something to love".

Regardless of tradition or the lack there of, this is that with which there exists an invariable confidence of at least the acknowledgement of
"something" by all. There is to be certain someone, if not you, then someone you know - who knows...

It's not the unexplained, inexplicable perhaps, wholesale denied or rejected perhaps - but not unexplained and not mass dillusion. These accounts are paranormal in nature and each is true and without embellishment. Wether or not they are believed - That is for you to decide. Post to our blog or email a story for possible inclusion in this stop along the way to the way that we choose.

Text is Rough Draft.
Test Filler.
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