A Fond Goodbye to Our Dear Friend
Paul S. Baringer

September 09 1922 ~ July 02 2006

Please Scroll Down to read and view a tribute for Paul


The Canfield Community Care Net is proud to be in its fifth year of service to the people of Canfield. We began our organization by asking the Canfield Ministerium for two volunteers from each church to help a terminally ill Canfield father.

From the beginning, we knew that there was a greater and continued need in this community. We received our 501(c)-3 status later that first year and went about the business of helping those in our community that found themselves in need because of a debilitating illness.

We have dispersed over $90,000 to the community with the help of our generous supporters. We have two events each year that account for the majority of the funds that we raise: a Gourmet Dinner Dance is held in January and our Golf Classic which is held on the second Monday of September.

By supporting these two events, you will be helping your neighbors that find themselves in a difficult situation. Your contributions go to the families. We have no administration costs and last year our only operating expense was the cost of a roll of stamps! Whether it is for food, utility bills, or gas cards for transportation to the hospital, your donations are helping those in need. Thank you for your continued support.

Paul S. Baringer
September 09 1922 ~ July 02 2006

A hero is someone who has given his or her life
to something bigger than oneself.
- Joseph Campbell

Paul Baringer, a person who gave his life to helping others, was a hero. His brother, son and grandson echoed that very phrase at his eulogy Friday, July 7, 2006, when family and friends gathered to say a final good-bye to our hero, Paul.

Paul had a full life before CCCN. He defended his country, became a business owner, father, grandfather and volunteer. Paul believed in giving back to the community, which he accomplished in many different ways. He was active in the Canfield Methodist Church, the Community Club, Community Chest and S.C.O.R.E.

Paul, a founding member of Canfield Community Care Net and its treasure since its inception, was the best man for the job because of this vast wealth of knowledge. Any question, problem or concern, Paul was always the voice of reason. CCCN depended on his great experience as he guided us through the process of becoming a non-profit organization.

Words cannot express the sadness we felt when we learned of his passing. Paul is a great example of what we should all strive to be: a kind, honest, dedicated, and caring person. He was a hero not only to his family and CCCN members, but a hero to everyone in this community that was in need; Paul was always there to lend a helping hand.

Paul was an avid golfer and always enjoyed our annual golf classic. To honor and celebrate his service to Canfield Community Care Net, our annual golf classic will from this time forward be known as the Paul Baringer Golf Classic.



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