Online Serial Novels Idea - Gura

Online Serial Novels (A periodical that appears at scheduled times)

Episode Portals - (A Designed Cover to Each Issue)

Parsed in Chapters - say 3 chps as a routine upload/publish to 5 chps for Special Bonus Issues and in 5 to 9 installments over a set and regular period of time - say every month - subscription would be free - earn by ads - possible ads would be from aspiring writers programs and schools - maybe university of phoenix - maybe publishing houses - maybe book sellers - etc...

Issue #1 = 3 Chps | Issue #2 = 5 Chps Special Bonus Issue | Issue #3 = 3 Chps | Issue #4 = 3 Chps
Issue #5 = 3 Chps | Issue #6 = 5 Chps Special Bonus Issue | Issue #7 = 3 Chps | Issue #8 = 3 Chps
Issue #9 = Final Issue = 1 Chapter. (29 Chapters)

Launch First Issue of the Serial Site February 14th and publish Final Issue December 25th. It is one chapter so it would be like a treat/present/suprise.

Serials would be in the vein of Charles Dickens, complete with pictures and documents - scanned of course - to accompany and enhance the story and chapters. And to add to the intrigue it may be neccessary to withold at times some imagery for later installments, to build anticipation - make then wonder what a certain character looks like or something else that is described and introduced in earlier chapters such as a location or item written about...

Create Buzz and Interest by allowing the subscribers to the Serials to in fact comment on the chapters in real time and to guess/predict/speculate the thread of upcoming chapters...Pitch idea/issues via email campaign backed up by personal phone calls to media outlets - compile lists like Regis, Oprah, Fox in Morning on CBS, CNN News to Me, Etc...

Tetralogies: A series of four related works (plays or operas or novels). Produce 4 Serial Novels over 4 years - decide
if subsequent release periods will also be Valentine's Day to Christmas Morning or alter the remaining 3 release periods to be for example,
Easter to New Years for 2cnd Serial - (29 Chapters)
Mothers Day to Valentines Day for 3rd installment (29 Chapters) and
Fathers Day to St. Patrick's Day (29 Chapters) for the final in the Epic Drama.